It is an obvious fact that this blog seems to contain close to no information about myself although this can be disputed. Yet, that is not the point of this post. Since this is a blog that catalogs my stories, it is updated very rarely due to the long time i take to write a decent story. This is largely due to my story writing process which involves a large amount of daydreaming. Don't ask me why, but i daydream my stories out. During times when i am not ridiculously free and my mind is not wandering, i do not generate any thoughts about my plot, unless by divine intervention of in a moment of great inspiration, which is undoubtedly rare.
As such, my blog gets updated very rarely, which isnot good for your mental health (and i tend to forget my password). In view of this, I thought this way and that for a way to work around it. I can:
1.Write faster. This option means that large portions of many stories will degenerate into crap, which happens with alot of things that we try to rush.
2.Stall for time. I can publish nonsense regularly on this blog, thus stalling for time.
3.PUBLISH BY CHAPTER. You see of course, that this is the answer. Its like the way manga writers release their works, only i can edit my releases. Unless of course, you copy and paste from my blog. If you do plagiarise, please do come back periodically to make sure your piracy is up to date.
So it is decided. I will publish short chapters of my stories as and when i finish them. It is safe to expect no consistency or any detectable pattern, so coming back once a week is futile. Try coming back WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE IT. It is the most rewarding and least disappointing practise.
A short word on copying my stories. In this case ONLY ( case meaning only this author and this genre i.e. fictional stories), you can copy and paste in any way. You can make a game out of t, you can print it and show it to your friends, you can send it to your mother, you can read it to your grandchildren. The possibilities are endless. Spread it as you wish. My reasoning is as follows; think of all the great legends and folk tales that you heard as a kid. There will be immensely different results based on where you come from. Who wrote all those fantastic Chinese New Year stories? How about those fairy tales that kids know by heart? Nobody knows the author, but everybody knows the story. So, its the story thats really important, that's what people really want to know. That's what kids are gonna remember. Not some strange author's name, like Mr Samuel Teo or Mr Rui Chuen. So who cares about the author? Maybe someday my stories will be as famous as The Three Little Pigs, who knows? Fingers Crossed. I may not get credit, but there will be this trickling of pride, with a dash of satisfaction.