According to most people's definitions, a blog is an online diary, open for everyone to peek into your interesting life, or read your nonsensical rants, but after its all said and done, why?
Diaries are very secret documents which no one really wants you to read unless told otherwise (as i found out the hard way after reading someone's journal back in primary school, many years ago.) Furthermore, the really interesting bits are the secretive stuff. Therefore, by logical deduction, the stuff in blogs are the non/semi-interesting stuff which people wont really bother to read in large quantities, unless you lead a travelling/nomadic/fate tempting/dangerous life. Who REALLY wants to read other people's complaints anyway?
Anyway, thats just some ranting of my own, which you probably skimmed through/did not bother to read, yet it is because of the present conditions of most blogs that I would strive or at least make a tangible effort to make my blog a little different, just for the very bored individual or the even more bored casual net surfer.
As such, instead of just stating my daily occurences, i'll add in some stories i wrote, so that you may feel compelled to visit my blog just to read those. even if we have never met. Oh yeah, I sincerely hope your mouse has a scroll wheel......