Monday, July 31, 2006

(The Assassin's Bamboo Brush) "A Cruel Discourse"

"In my line of work, I had seen many cities. Unfortunately, they are all essentially the same, and got boring after a while. Do not be mistaken, the architecture is very well varied, as is the scenery; perhaps the only saving graces other than food. I refer to the people.

Cities are overflowing with idiots who believe themselves highly intelligent. It is true that they all possess skill in what they do; merchants are always very good at haggling, cheating and finding loopholes in the law. Beggars are good at looking pathethic and filthy and garnering your sympathy (or disgust, whichever suits their purposes). It is sad really, how the people are that I have seen. All people strive for the same things, honour, power, money, fame. Ask any one of them why, and you will receive some of the stupidest explanations you will ever come across. Take money, for example. I have myself accumulated quite an amount, but the vast quantity of it has never once proven itself to be worth the space it occupies, let alone the time taken to acquire it. Sure, shovel for yourself a pile of gold. And then what? People scrape together an existence, then plow through a course of education, then work themselves like farm animals daily, to get themselves a better lot in life. Yet, as they work for this "better life", what lives are they choosing for themselves now? For all they know, they might work themselves to death before they get to live the life of enjoyment they seem to be working towards.

The Fools! All that people ever work hard for is to bring more suffering upon themselves. Lovers court to earn themselves abusive husbands and nagging wives. Merchants trade to earn themselves a higher risk of robbery, obesity and a clogged concience. All who walk past me on the road of life, I look into their eyes and see nothing beyond the windows to their empty souls. They have no objective, but to tread a mill that grinds on their souls. This must be the correct way, they think, everyone seems to be doing it. The gods must find this very amusing, since this cycle is repeated through every life in all of history. I shall defy them. I shall strive for all that people ignore, and disregard utterly all that people strive to attain. Perhaps then, I shall find meaning.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

(The Assassin's Bamboo Brush) "I Was Born a Cat"

"I was born a cat, a smiling cat. When I came out of the womb, I had a smile on my face. At least, that is what I was told. I myself cannot remember, and who could tell? It could have been a grimace, an evil grin, a smirk; as I was pulled into the unbearable brightness of this world, the unbearable cold.

Once, I was a cat, until people told me that it was better to be a dog. A dog, a puppy, cheerful, running gladly towards all who I saw. It was a more welcoming sight, I was told, all people would find me adorable, love me. Lies. A dog is a dirty ragged thing lying on the path, waiting for someone to kick it out of his way. No one cares for anyone but himself. All who say otherwise are liars.

I am a cat, and I sharpen my claws daily on all those whose boots I had felt. I cared little for vengeance, less still for justice, I lived only to taste blood. All the blood of this world would not have sated my thirst. Then, I made three friends."